Pastoral Care permeates all aspects of school life in St Benedict’s College where the care and welfare of all students is of paramount importance. Fundamental to our pastoral approach is the promotion of a caring ethos and family atmosphere and the development of positive and respectful relationships throughout the school community. Our aim is to develop students spiritually, academically, emotionally, culturally, and socially and to produce well rounded and well equipped young people, who have the skills to meet the challenges of the 21st century world.
The Pastoral Care Team
The Form Tutor interacts with students in their form class on a daily basis. They monitor their attendance, behaviour, academic progress and endeavour to ensure their well-being.
The Head of Year liaises with Form Tutors to facilitate tracking of academic progress, pastoral concerns and disciplinary issues. In addition to leading the Pastoral Care Team, the Pastoral Care Coordinator has responsibility for Safeguarding and Child Protection and liaises with parents and external agencies.
The Pastoral Team work together to provide a network of support for all of our students and maintain close links with parents and home. The College works in partnership with a variety of statutory and voluntary support agencies to deal with personal or social issues that students and families present with. Students can avail of one to one support from a Family Works Counsellor.
We are delighted that EA Youth Services are also on site. They deliver the Learning Together Programme and provide needs led small group support at Key Stage 3 and are currently piloting the co delivery of a Level 2 OCN Certificate in Personal Success and Well Being to a targeted group of Year 11s.

Pastoral Care Co-ordinator
Rewards System
We expect all of our students to have excellent attendance, a high standard of behaviour and a strong work ethic.We actively promote these through our positive reward system. Our students are regularly recognised and rewarded for progress and achievement in these areas.
Personal Development Programme
Our Personal Development Programme is delivered by our Form Tutors in a timetabled class delivered weekly. It is designed to ensure that our students grow in confidence, resilience and independence of thought. The programme addresses issues such as bullying, drugs and alcohol, e safety, relationships and sexuality and road safety in an age appropriate manner. A variety of speakers and outside agencies support us in the delivery of the programme by addressing assemblies and facilitating student workshops.
Child Protection & Safeguarding

I need to talk...