The Coronavirus Pandemic means that children, families and communities are facing lots of uncertainty, leading to unwanted stress and anxiety. This invariably may have a negative impact on children and young people’s mental health.
As a school community we are aware that your child may experience anxiety around Coronavirus and possibly worry about how it might affect themselves, elderly relatives and other family members. They may also be concerned about social isolation, academic progress and a lack of routine in their day. You as parents or carers may also be worried about how you will manage your child's routine at home and maintain their health and mental well-being at this time.
These are challenging times and while the media has focused on the impact on people’s physical health, it is understandable to have a strong emotional response to the events unfolding. Therefore, we would like to direct you to support services which you and your children can avail of throughout this challenging period. See below.
As well as this, all our pupils have support and guidance information in their student planners which may be useful to you and them.
Our Pastoral Teams and our Child Protection and Safeguarding Team remain on site. Please do not hesitate to contact them for advice and support.
