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St Benedict's College, Randalstown


WIN a Derry Jersey signed by the winning National League players! ⭐️⭐️ ……………… St. Benedict’s PE department are fundraising to secure funds for purchasing new PE equipment. This initiative will see our students take part in a 5K walk / run around Shane’s Castle on Friday 24 May. The top 6 fundraisers will get the choice of one of the six signed county jerseys. In addition, there will be a draw to win a signed Derry jersey kindly donated by Niall Toner, GAA. We wish to also reach the community and beyond by giving you the chance to donate. Donations of £2 will equate to one entry. You, alongside our students, will be entered into the draw with the chance of winning the Derry GAA jersey. This jersey has been signed by the winning National League Derry Players. Everyone is free to enter as many times as they wish. Please support us with this fundraising initiative so that we can continue to build our PE department and offer up new experiences for our students. Thank you PE Department, St. Benedict’s College, Randalstown ‼️Enter now via our Gofundme page: ⭐️Please Share⭐️


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